Nendai No Kayoukyoku 1950 - Keiongaku Ni Yoru (1993)

  Nendai No Kayoukyoku 1950 - Keiongaku Ni Yoru (1993)

Yoshio Kimura and Beards - Light blue waltz (3:30)
Columbia Symphonic Orchestra - When white flowers bloom (3:04)
Yoshitaka Horiuchi, Columbia Orchestra - Song of Thistle (2:42)
Columbia Orchestra Returning to Shanghai - Lil (3:35)
Hiroshi Sakata, Columbia Orchestra - Apples pursuit (4:28)
Yoshio Kimura and Beards - The last lamp of the red lamp (3:37)
Takeshi Yamamoto, Columbia Orchestra - Your name (2:12)
Meiji University Mandolin Club - Summer Memories (3:33)
Mr. Toyoshi, Columbia Orchestra - Wealth (2:24)
Columbia Orchestra - The flower of this world (2:25)
Columbia Orchestra - Woman in Kasbah (3:29)
Toshio Kawamura & his orchestra - I liked (2:36)
Columbia Orchestra - Fortunately here (2:54)
Columbia Orchestra - Harbor Town 13 (3:13)
Columbia Orchestra - Odoriko (2:57)
Columbia Orchestra - Tokyo Bath Girl (3:37)
Yoshio Kimura, Matsuura Yasunobu, Columbia Orchestra - Let's meet in Yurakucho (3:37)
Yoshio Kimura, Matsuura Yasunobu, Columbia Orchestra - Black petal (2:51)
Yoshio Kimura and Beard - He (2:56)
Columbia Orchestra - Leaving the southern country (3:29)

 Nendai No Kayoukyoku 1950 - Keiongaku Ni Yoru (1993)


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